Florida Travel Site
Figma Mockups
HTML/CSS site created for a final group project during my 3rd semester at Chattanooga State Community College. I was elected team leader, so I got to compile all the code, spearhead the CSS and design, and make a page about Navarre. Some assets are not mine.

Lylli LaunchTools Site Redesign
Brand Strategy
UX Design
User Research
One of my first assignments at Rsquare was to take a look at Lylli LaunchTools’ competitors and compile a list of suggestions for Lylli’s new website based on what I found. I put my findings together in a 35-slide PowerPoint, then presented that to the team. I used my knowledge of design and my skills as a web designer to inform them of the changes needed to make Lylli’s site eye-catching and easy to navigate.

Twilight Princess Fan Site
Custom Themes
WordPress site I created during my 4th semester at Chattanooga State Community College. The project involved configuring a custom WordPress theme and installing popular plugins. I love the Legend Of Zelda series so this was a treat! As a fan site, all assets are either fan-art or official art from the game.

Billy Mac’s Burgers and Rings Site
Mock Client
Logo Design
HTML/CSS/JS site I created using jQuery during my 4th semester at Chattanooga State Community College. The “client” for the assignment’s purposes was a restaurant called Billy Mac’s Burger’s and Rings. I designed the logo in Adobe Illustrator.

Avatar Style Fan Site
Brand Strategy
UX Design
User Research
HTML/CSS site I created using Bootstrap in my 3rd semester at Chattanooga State Community College. This one was a lot of fun! I wanted to make each page a different theme, so I chose to model them after the four nations in ATLA. As a fan site, all assets are either fanart or official art from the show.