North River Logo & Graphics
Adobe Illustrator
Early this year I was commissioned by a local church to make a promotional graphic for their new series, “Involve, Invest, Invite.” They did not have a logo yet and really liked my initial design for their graphic, so after some tweaking, it’s now their logo! I used Illustrator to align the text and create an empty ellipse, then Procreate to make the design inside. I drew a river beneath a cross to echo the name of the church and symbolize the “living water” of Christ. The plants were added as a way of indicating the church’s growth, and the blue theme represents peace.

Lylli LaunchTools Web Banners
Adobe Illustrator
Web Design
I was asked to create banners Lylli LaunchTools’ new website, one for each page, using my illustrations. The team had decided to incorporate cheesy cat puns so it was super fun to help come up with the banner titles! The illustrations were done in Procreate, but I moved the project over to Illustrator to make the background and work on the typography. The puns were courtesy of my terrible sense of humor.

Blue’s Jewelry Box Logo
Adobe Illustrator
Small Business
Etsy Marketing
I created a logo to promote my future beaded jewelry business. I plan to launch on Etsy and my brand will focus on hand-beaded, delicate, flowery jewelry for weddings, novelty earrings and bracelets, as well as customizable items with a heavy cottagecore theme. To encapsulate my intent, I chose to design a light, elegant logo with a hint of quirky line-direction.

Renewable Energy Figures
Adobe Illustrator
Data Expression
A collection of graphs to illustrate data regarding renewable energy. All information displayed is unchecked and provided by assignment. I chose what form of visual representation fit the specific data best and designed the figures in Illustrator. No outside sources were used.

Billy Mac’s Burgers and Rings Logo
Adobe Illustrator
Web Design
I designed the logo in Adobe Illustrator during my 4th semester at Chattanooga State Community College to complete a web design project. The “client” for the assignment’s purposes was a restaurant called Billy Mac’s Burger’s and Rings. Since the business featured a retro-style arcade, I wanted the logo to look like a burger joint logo from the 70’s or 80’s, with lots of bright colors and a loud vibe.

The Painted Turtle Brochure
Adobe Illustrator
Graphic Design
Printed Material
This is a brochure I made in my 1st semester at Chattanooga State Community College for The Painted Turtle, a summer camp for kids with special needs. The first image is the outside of the brochure, and the second is the enclosed content. It is made to be folded three ways once printed.