Lylli LaunchTools Illustrations
Adobe Illustrator
Character Design
As soon as I was informed that Lylli LaunchTools’ branding would feature a cat theme, I knew I absolutely had to create concept art for a mascot. I pitched the idea of a cat playing with Lylli’s new logo like a feather toy, made a sketch, then sent it out to the team – and they loved it! This spawned a whole series of kitty illustrations. I used Procreate to make the design. For each illustration, I made several versions: a concept sketch for approval, a full-color version, a line art version, and a white line art version.

“Don’t Listen to a Word I Say” Animation
2D Animation
This was a personal animation project. I wanted to challenge myself to create a hand-drawn music video. Drawn in Procreate.

Kaiju’s Army Comic Series
Digital Art
Social Media
Instagram comic series I digitally colored and posted with Megan Bulkeley ( I was responsible for turning her storyboard sketches into a fully-colored, fully-realized comic.

Rsquare Media Inc. Illustrations
Brand Strategy
UX Design
User Research
After Lylli’s rebrand was complete, Rajiv Jadhav, the CEO of Rsquare Media and my supervisor, requested a new line of cat illustrations – this time for Rsquare itself! The illustrations were to represent a service provided by Rsquare: Bazooka, Relocation, Forcefield, and Halo. I used Procreate to make the design once more. For each illustration, I made several versions: a concept sketch for approval, a full-color version, a line art version, and a white line art version.